oil and chip vacuum cleaner / single-phase / three-phase / industrial
Tecnoil 250 MP
INO Group

oil and chip
Power source:
single-phase, three-phase
Other characteristics:
3450 W (4.63 hp)
40 l (10.57 gal)
The Tecnoil 250 MP, with its 3,45 kW powerful motor, in unmatchable in the industry. Thanks to the power and the enormous capacity of this machine, you can collect and filter metal chips and pump back into the machine tool oils or emulsions in less than five minutes. This machine allows you to minimize the maintenance time, maximizing productivity.
Designed for the engineering and mechanical industries
High collection capacity for lkiquid and solid material
Available with filtration options from 300 down to 6 microns
Indipendent discharge pump for extra fast emptying of the collection tank