eddy current
Magtrols 1WB23 and 1WB27 Eddy-Current Dynamometers are designed for very-high-speed motors and turbine testing applications. By providing a braking torque that is proportional to the rotational speed, rated torque is reached at the rated speed.
The Dynamometers feature a low level of inertia, due to small rotor dimensions, and brake cooling is provided by air flow inside the dynamometer.
Torque is measured by a reaction-force transducer placed on the stator. The dynamometer has a torque measuring accuracy rating of ±0.5% full scale. The speed is measured by an optical sensor and a 2-bit encoder. This sensor measures speeds between 10,000 and 100,000rpm with a full scale accuracy of ± 0.06%
The dynamometers alow a power of 250W continious and up to 500W(1WB23) or 1000W (1WB27) intermittent.