Automates String Alignment and Placement
The Spi-Module Layup Station™ 2000 automatically aligns and places completed solar cell strings in position for module assembly. The Spi-Module Lay-up Station can be implemented as an option to the Spi-Assembler™ 6000 tabber and stringer, or it can be used as stand-alone equipment.
The Spi-Module Lay-up Station includes a string unloader robot for string transport, a string aligner, and a ball table for module lay-up. When the Spi-Assembler completes a cell string, a conveyor belt positions the string for pick-up by the string unloader. The unloader transports the string to either the stack table for visual inspection or placement in a stack, or to the string aligner for alignment prior to lay-up. Strings are automatically aligned in X and Y directions.
After alignment, the unloader picks up the string and transports it over a ball table with retractable pads to the appropriate string position for module lay-up placement. When required, the unloader automatically rotates 180° to reverse the string polarity.