intrinsically safe electrical safety barrier / dual-channel
INO Group

Protection level:
intrinsically safe
Number of channels:
The DAT 4235 IS/B device is a galvanic isolated Intrinsically Safety Barrier, defined as “Associated Apparatus”
The input measures mV, V, mA or resistance signals, and can be directly connected to Thermocouple, RTD or potentiometer sensors.
The input signal is filtered, linearised, amplified and transferred to the output circuit, that converts it in a 0-10V range or 0-20mA range signal. Auxiliary power
supply allows to supply the output current loop. Moreover, the device is able to control two trip alarm relay outputs.
DAT 4235 IS has a 3 way isolation: input (connected to hazardous area devices) is 2000 Vac isolated from power supply and output (connected to safe area);
power supply and output are 1500 Vac isolated between them.
The configuration is made by means of personal computer through the PRODAT-IS interface.
The device must be powered with a voltage between 20 and 30 Vdc; the “PWR” green led turned on indicate the correct power supply; the "THR1" and "THR2"
red led indicates the trip alarm status.
Protection mode:
II (1) G [ Ex ia Ga ] IIC
II (1) D [ Ex ia Da ] IIIC
according to the Directive ATEX 2014/34/EU