Other characteristics:
stainless steel
Suction rate:
Min.: 0 l/min (0 us gal/min)
Max.: 3398 l/min (897.66 us gal/min)
Pressure differential:
Min.: 0 mbar (0 psi)
Max.: 850 mbar (12.33 psi)
The sensitive one...
Sensitive parts (glass panes, paper) sometimes have to be suctioned with great care. This is a welcome task for the adjustable VDF vacuum ejector. The adjustability optimizes energy, holding power, and air consumption.
Despite the sensitivity the VDF is quite a guzzler. It transports, doses, or suctions even fluids, which makes it ideal for dosing, suctioning, and filling units.
For your specific requirement (food industry, pharma, medical branch etc.) we gladly deliver the VDF in particular materials like e.g. stainless steel (AISI 303, 304, 316, 316L), PVC or POM as well.
Delivery time and price on application.
Suitable screw joints see Accessories > Fittings; hoses see Fluid Technology.
Note: With maximum performance the connection cross-section of the air supply should be equal to the flow rate øA.