Control type:
Number of axes:
X travel:
365 mm
Z travel:
1170 mm, 1670 mm
Distance between centers:
1600 mm, 1000 mm
Systematically optimised proven elements, e.g. the hydrostatic guide concept, combined with newly developed components such as the automatic cylinder correction system and synchronous tailstock provide a contemporary platform for flexibly satisfying all the varied requirements of our customers.
VARIA – Kellenberger continues its success story.
The new VARIA from Kellenberger combines functional design with high-precision technology.
Hydrostatic guides guarantee maximum dimensional accuracy in grinding tasks with interpolating axes.
High positioning speeds and accuracies are assured by direct drives for the rotary axes.
Generous X and Z axes strokes in combination with the platform concept for grinding head positions and dressing systems ensure universality and allow application-specific configurations.
The proven integral transportation concept (hook machine) has been retained and reduces machine commissioning times and ensures a compact installation area.
Durable hydrostatic guides and energy-efficient concepts guarantee a highly secure capital investment.