Other characteristics:
With over fifty years of experience in infrared spectroscopy and using the most advanced technology, JASCO offers the best solutions for FT-IR analysis with a complete range of application-focused FT-IR spectrometers and sampling accessories as well as a dedicated instrument control and data analysis interface.
The FT/IR-6600, FT/IR-6700, and FT/IR-6800 offer the absolute highest level of performance in the industry with the highest signal-to-noise specifications. Designed for a wide range of critical research and development applications, each model is capable of measuring from the visible (25,000 cm-1) to the Far IR (10 cm-1).
The FT/IR-6800 is equipped with gold optical surfaces for more efficient FT-Raman analysis and rapid scan capability as standard. Step scan, and full vacuum options are available for all models.
Combining the automatic beam splitter exchange unit and the automatic window switching unit/automatic gate valve unit, a broadband range measurement of a sample can be provided without breaking the instrument vacuum conditions.