Measured entity:
oil, oil, water
for integration
UV fluorescence
Operating principle
Fluorescence is a well suited method for detection of different types of contaminations in water. This
method is based on the detection of light of a specific wavelength emitted by some substances when
excited with a high energy light source.
Depending on the optical bench equipment, the FL200 analyzer can be used for the detection of very low
concentrations of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, Phenols, Amines, oil in water, chlorophyll a or fluorescent
Its very high sensitivity makes the FL200 an extremely useful tool for a wide range of applications in the
water management field.
The FL200 is proposed in four versions depending on the needs of the user:
-FL200-H for hydrocarbons detection (oil in water, BTEX, PAH, Phenols, Anilins… (UV excitation),
-FL200-C for Chlorophyll a detection (visible light excitation),
-FL200-F for Fluoresceine detection (visible light excitation),
-FL200-R for Rhodamine detection (visible light excitation).