Laboratory automation means designing an architecture around the spectrometer that will enable the analysis of production samples without any or with only minimal human intervention. While the customer is free to decide on the degree of automation, the concept should always take into consideration that the spectrometer itself forms the central device as it delivers the analysis results and with that is decisive for the success of the entire system.
Being aware of this responsibility, OBLFs interpretation of automation has always involved making spectrometer optimisation a top priority. In this vein, we were quick to recognise the importance of providing operators with an easily accessible spark stand.
As a result, a handling system can simply be positioned in front of the spectrometer without requiring additional work. For that reason, automations involving OBLF spectrometers have never required additional constructions that would, for instance, be used to open spark stand covers to enable insertion of a spectrometer sample.
However, our homework is not just restricted to optimising the spectrometers handling. It is, in fact, crucial to take every inch of the machine into consideration because as soon as an automated system is commissioned, it always spotlights every single weakness of a spectrometer in the most drastic and sometimes even dramatic way. This is due to the fact that automated operation naturally does not offer the possibility of intelligent human intervention should problems occur.