double-rail overhead traveling crane / monorail / double-girder / underslung
INO Group

double-rail, monorail, double-girder
Other characteristics:
steel profile, hanging
Lift capacity:
Max.: 5000 kg (11023.11 lb)
Underslung travelling crane
up to 5000 kg
As single- or double-bridge travelling crane
Construction with standardised beams
Control switch on trolley or control switch independent of trolley (roving pendent) or radio remote control
Standard drives EMFE stepless or pole-changeable
Lateral overhang of hook possible
Longitudinal power supply with conductor line or trailing cable
Cross beam power supply via conductor line, cable or energy chain
Option: multiple crane bridges (Tandem operation)
Option: low headroom construction for transverse bridge
Option: branch terminal line possible
Overhead travelling crane
up to 5000 kg
As single- or double-bridge travelling crane
Construction with standardised beams
The welded crane rail serves as guidance and keeps the crane bridge in the track
Large hook dimension through crane bridge placed on crane track
Control switch on trolley or control switch independent of trolley (roving pendent) or radio remote control
Drives stepless or pole-changeable
Longitudinal power supply with conductor line or C-rail
Central crane control 42 V
Option: multiple crane bridges (tandem Operation
Monorail steel beam
up to 5000 kg
Construction with standardised beam
With manual or motorised trolley
Overhang of hook possible
Control switch on trolley or control switch independent of trolley (roving pendent) or radio remote control
Standard drives EMFE stepless or pole-changeable
Power supply with conductor line, parallel running C-rail with trailing cable or cable carriage
Several chain hoists on a monorail possible (tandem operation)
Option: Monorail with bends or track switches
Option: Telescopic execution