stretch film / roll / sturdy / for wrapping machines
Silent & Tough™
INO Group

Other characteristics:
roll, sturdy
for wrapping machines
The Eliminator™ is a stretch film which is created with a metallocene resins formulation. It has stretch levels that amounts and ranges starting from 200 % up to 300 %.
It is a distinctive and differential cling film which encompasses no migrating tackifier. This feature eliminates possible residue on various prestretch rollers and wrapped product. Its interior surface secures that the film tails remains affixed and attached to the load while its exterior surface stays as a non-lubricious.
The Eliminator™, which serves as a stretch packaging solution, is built and integrated with a clear five layer cast film. It is specifically constructed and designed to function in a spectrum of empowered prestrech devices including those of the worn prestrectch rollers.