pneumatic cylinder / single-acting / non-repairable / stainless steel
Silverair series
INO Group

Other characteristics:
non-repairable, stainless steel, aluminum
The Series S Silverair cylinders are highly durable devices made from stainless steel and aluminum guaranteed to last even in extreme environments. They are intended for OEM and MRO applications that prefers a disposable, light duty cylinder. Maximum airflow and smooth response is ensured because of its lightweight aluminum heads featuring full flow ports. Piston rods provide smooth movement and provide great strength and durability, also polished by Series 303 stainless steel.
It makes use of the U-cup design on piston seals that allows nonstop cylinder barrel contact, decreases blow-by and offers longer seal life compared to the O-ring piston seals. Including in many of its features are the pre-lubricated cylinders, that is perfect when external lubrication cannot be supplied.