Other characteristics:
lean burn
2796 kW (3749.5 hp), 3728 kW (4999.33 hp)
GE’s Waukesha 275GL+ represents the most advanced generation of high-horsepower engines in the gas compression segment. A combination of robust construction and innovative technology, the 275GL+ lean-burn engine delivers excellence in fuel flexibility, efficiency, power output and emissions for unmatched performance. For maximum uptime and profitability, you can depend on the 275GL+ to get the job done year after year. The 275GL+ meets the EPA’s 2010 Spark Ignited New Source Performance Standard (SI NSPS) for NOx, CO and VOC, without after treatment. The 275GL+ can run on fuel with up to 1000 ppm H2S without treatment and operates on a wide range of fuels from 600 Btu/ft3 to 2300 Btu/ft3. The 275GL+ is easy to package, and includes a factory-mounted lube oil system, engine-mounted pre-lube pump, and cooling system thermostats.