gasoline, LPG, dual-fuel
Number of cylinders:
Other characteristics:
24200 W
In 2003, Kubota added two new compact diesel engines, Z602 and D902, to its SUPER MINI Series. WG/DF752 and 972 are two dual fuel (gasoline, gasoline/LP Gas) type engines that are solidly based on this world acclaimed diesel engine series. Based on the new D902, the new WG/DF972 is exceptionally well made with such features as high power density, tough reliability, lower noise/vibration, and a special SI combustion chamber. To simplify maintenance, most engine parts are interchangeable with their diesel counterparts. The new WG/DF engines will meet and beat the toughest industrial challenges.
Improved air-intake
Until now, dual fuel carburetors had to have an LP Gas mixer attached onto the front of the gasoline carburetor. Our new U.S. patented dual fuel carburetor has the mixer already built in. Kubota improved the air-intake rate and the overall engine performance by attaching a gasoline nozzle and an LP Gas nozzle to the venturi passage.
Smaller Yet More Powerful
The engine width of the WG/DF972 is the same as that of the WG/DF752. However, the larger cylinder pitch (72 80 mm) and bore size (Ø68 Ø74.5) provide the WG/DF972 with 35% more power. Its height is 107mm lower than the current WG/DF1005, yet it displays a 36% increase in power density over the WG/DF1005. All these features resulted in a more compact, more powerful, and more flexible engine to match OEM applications.