Control type:
oxy-fuel, water-jet, plasma
Associated function:
Other characteristics:
precision, gantry type
Cutting speed:
Min.: 2.5 mm/min (0 in/s)
Max.: 35560 mm/min (23.33 in/s)
The Hydrocut LX CNC Waterjet Cutting System is a heavy-duty gantry waterjet cutting machine. This high performance machine is capable of carrying up to four waterjet cutting heads over full size steel plates.
The Hydrocut LX easily combines waterjet with other cutting and marking processes, such as plasma cutting, plasma marking, oxy-fuel cutting, ink-jet marking or drilling. The Hydrocut is the ideal system for manufacturers, fabricators, and steel service centers who need to waterjet cut steel, stainless, or aluminum plates.
The gantry features all welded, stress relieved, reinforced components with all contact surfaces machined to ensure accurate matchup with mating surfaces. Machined wheels and roller bearings provide smooth, precise machine motion. The fabricated, welded beam structure provided ample strength and stiffness to support the process stations over a maximum of 18 ft. width. Dual precision linear rails provide smooth, accurate motion in the Y-axis.