drilling electrical discharge machine / CNC / precision / for micro-machining
SX100 hpm PULSAR
INO Group

Control type:
Other characteristics:
precision, for micro-machining
• 3D Micro EDM Milling
• Micro sinking with high surface finishing
• Precision hole drilling
• High speed Micro EDM drilling
• Start hole
The capacity of the NEW SX100 PULSAR machine brings new innovative “multi-axis-motion” as the 3D high precision Micromachining.
NEW SX-MPS PULSAR, high performance SARIX Micro Pulse Shape EDM generator, with its associated Technology opens up new opportunities for smaller, deeper and more precise perfect holes.
The multi-axis CNC allows the indexing of complex work pieces where the performance of the Micro EDM Machining is requested.
“High production capability concept” through an efficient Multifunction Micro Machining machine with; slide W-axis (Z2), C-indexing spindle, A/B positioning indexing axis and multiple hole sequence process…
NEW SX-HMI, “On-board”, easy and user friendly unlimited programming and editing software.
High precision Automatic electrode refeeding spindle with dielectric or air clamping control for continuous production.
High Speed Micro EDM drilling Technology with breakthrough-detection device.