digital surfacing generator / for ophthalmic lens production
INO Group

digital, for ophthalmic lens production
The VFT Micro Generator is powered by VFT fast tool technology and boasts an all-new working chamber that delivers unsurpassed stability regardless of the work environment. Adding to this, VFT micro renders a maximum of 25 lenses per hour and the profound plug and play cutting tool exchange process enables speed and seamless tool changes through the precision tool holder interface. The tool holder component is automatically adjusted during the re-truing process of the superior quality turning tips.
The working chamber features a symmetrical barrel shape design which means there is no need for changes in calibration due to thermal expansion. This ensures users do not have to worry about making any adjustments during day to day operation. The embedded mechanical engraving of the digital back lenses accompanies the regular setup of the unit. The VFT micro generator ships with a surface generator with the small weight and dimensions, dedicated express line or easy entry into the latest digital lens production. It offers top-notch lens quality and extreme surface accuracy with a seamless and speedy cutting tool exchange and a onsite pre aligned tool holder component.