inspection software / HMI / communications / data collection
INO Group

HMI, communications, inspection, data collection
PLC, optical
The In-Sight® Explorer EasyBuilder® interface walks you through the process of setting up your vision application, step by step. Great for novice users, the application is deployed and running in a very short time. EasyBuilder doesn’t require users to learn programming, enabling them to focus on what’s most familiar … the part!
Intuitive, Easy to Use
Working from an image of the part, four simple steps complete the application setup:
1. Start - Find an In-Sight® vision system on the network, then be guided through triggering the vision system and setting up scale and nonlinear calibrations.
2. Set up tools - After finding the part, a library of more than 22 vision tools is available to inspect the part. The most powerful vision tools available are now made easy to use.
3. Configure - A new point-and-click communications setup provides easy selection of data to be sent, and the protocol to use for communicating to a PLC, robot, or HMI for data collection and archiving results.
4. Finish - In the deployment mode, colorful tool graphics, a results table, and a filmstrip control to review images simplify troubleshooting the application and identifying bad parts.
That’s all it takes to complete an application! In a fraction of the time that you would normally spend learning how to set up a vision system, you can have your entire solution configured, deployed, and productive.