maintenance management software / project management / tool management / product lifecycle management
elecworks™ P&ID
INO Group

project management, lifecycle management, tool management, collaborative work, maintenance management, product lifecycle management
DriveYourTools is a innovative platform to trace and manage a park of equipments and industrial tools.
Present in all industries, processing tools are often scattered throughout the value chain. The multiplicity of stakeholders who intervene in the industrial estate makes information even more difficult to collect. The lack of widespread tool makes it often found dissolved. As a result, it can cause uncontrolled operational cost issues, or a risky decision taking because of an incomplete understanding of the whole situation.
DriveYourTools is the solution that enables manufacturers to build a synthetic 360° vision of the operational, financial and customs situation of their industrial estate. DriveYourTools allows you to gather information of all kinds related to your tool, as its location, the temperature in the storage site or the different operations performed on it.
DriveYourTools connects the expertise of the value chain, to take advantage of opportunities offered by the Cloud and the Internet of Things (IoT). Our ambition is to make DriveYourTools the leading solution for managing tools of the “Smart Factory”.
With one quick look, a personal dashboard composed by key indicators provides, a 360° synthetic vision of the industrial estate’s performances.
Knowledge, at any time of the customs, financial and operational situations of each tool ensures experts a better anticipation before a decision taking.