measurement software / communications / inspection / engineering
INO Group

programming, engineering, measurement, communications, inspection, image-processing
The TOM product line includes customisable optical inspection systems to be applied in measurement engineering and industrial quality assurance. Die sorgfältig aufeinander abgestimmten Hard- und Softwarekomponenten garantieren dabei ein Höchstmaß an Funktionalität und Zuverlässigkeit.
* Easy-to-handle image processing software for industrial applications
* Extended Range of practical test functions
* Efficient and intuitive test program generation without programming knowledge
* Individual software algorithms can be included by means of a user interface
* Numerous communications and remote interfaces
Image pre-processing
Bildvorverarbeitung Several image pre-processing functions can be used to intensify or reduce certain image details to make it easier or to tighten up following evaluations....
Measuring functions
Measuring functions Functions for determination of geometric values such as clearance, size of gap and diameter enable measurement of any form. ...
Colour inspection
Colour inspection Powerful colour functions enable safe inspection of colours with and without prior teaching procedure....
Object search and comparison
Object search Numerous algorithms available to find and distinguish objects or to analyse any characters and symbols. ...