visualization software / image-processing / image acquisition / real-time
RealTime Vision
INO Group

visualization, image-processing, image acquisition
Operating system:
The »RealTime Vision« is a real-time extension for the Windows® range of operating systems, which focuses on image acquisition and image processing in real-time with GigE Vision®
In order to gain “hard” real-time capabilities, it is necessary to run the application code in the kernel-mode of the system. This is provided by the software.
The required programming languages must be able to generate native x86 or x64 machine code, e.g. C/C++ or Delphi. The hardware-dependent and time-critical code should be transferred to a DLL, which will be loaded directly into the real-time context. This way the .NET environment will also be supported, so that even C# can be used as the programming language for the main parts of the application.