INO Group
Finishing Machines
Centrifugal finishing machines
Centrifugal finishing machines
Finishing Machines
Surface grinding machines
Cylindrical grinding machines
Centerless grinding machines
Tool grinding machines
Other grinding machines
Deburring machines
Chamfering machines
Honing machines, lapping machines
Polishing machines
Centrifugal finishing machines
Vibratory finishing machines
Other finishing machines
Other finishing machines
Surface planers, thicknessers, sanding machines for wood
Bonded abrasives, grinding wheels
Coated abrasives, non-woven abrasives
centrifugal barrel vibratory finishing machine / for bars
VBJ series
: 2.25 kW - 15 kW
drag super-finishing machine / sphere / for PVC / for aluminum
Machine for working brass spheres with a diameter of up to 21/2. (external max 103mm). - High speed spindle supported on super-precision bearings and by a compound steel sleeve which is case hardened-tempered and ground. Drive by a spindle motor ...
deburring vibratory finishing machine / polishing / centrifugal / for micro-finishing applications
Vibro Tumb
Vibro Tumb vibratory finishing equipment of Micro Technica® Technologies is selected from the product ranges offered by the worlds leading manufacturers. Vibratory finishing is the most economical solution for precision- and pressure ...
polishing finishing machine / centrifugal / for bars
120 - 170 rpm
Rotational speed
: 0 rpm - 170 rpm
: 2 ch - 5 ch
polishing finishing machine / centrifugal barrel / industrial
max. 120 rpm
Rotational speed
: 120 rpm
: 5 ch
centrifugal barrel vibratory finishing machine / for bars / multi-spindle
max. 120 rpm
: 0.55 kW - 5.5 kW
centrifugal vibratory finishing machine / for bars
CDISK series
Centrifugal disks is mainly composed of a motor, a process tank with a polyurethane coating. The working tank consists of two parts : the upper part is fixed and the tank bottom plate is rotating or. A gap seal, separates these two portions. ...
polishing finishing machine / centrifugal barrel / for bars
60 - 180 rpm | CV 400
Each machine is equipped with four barrels spaced evenly on the periphery of a turret. As the turret rotates in one direction, the barrels rotate one turn in the opposite direction effecting a 1:1 ratio. With a range of 60 to 180 R.P.M., ...
cutting super-finishing machine / drag / for tool
Nagel TF4 tape finishers are used to primarily finish journals, faces and tapered surfaces. Parts commonly finished with the technology includes, Crankshafts, Balance Shafts, Cam Shafts, Transmission Shafts, etc. Aluminum Oxide, Sillicon ...
centrifugal barrel finishing machine / for bars
max. 7 L | CPC-250
The most advanced and economical system available. With.25 cft capacity this unit can reach speed in excess of 300 RPM and can generate forces exceeding 20G's. The system can handle parts up to 4.5" x 6". Equipped with United's ...
grinding vibratory finishing machine / centrifugal disc / industrial
FINISH UNIFORMITY AND PART SPACING With the Multi-Pass the fact that each part spends the same time and travels the same distance in each cycle ensures a higher level of uniformity than possible with conventional equipment. The channels ...
deburring vibratory finishing machine / centrifugal / for tool
Mass finishing vibratory equipment with two channels for combining processes such as deburring and drying. The Combo can be used for batch processing, or for continuous flow if the cycle time is low enough to process in one revolution ...
grinding finishing machine / multi-function / centrifugal barrel / for bars
1 100 mm | SMD 1 series
The new Steelmaster SMD 1 Series is the newest breed of multifunctional grinding and deburring machines engineered by Buetfering Schleiftechnik GmbH in Germany. The top brush cassettes can be exchanged into barrel brush cassettes in ...