INO Group
Detection - Measurement
Electrical Measurement
Other electrical measuring instruments
Other electrical measuring instruments
Electrical Measurement
Voltage measuring devices
Current measuring devices
Power measuring devices
Impedance measuring devices
Resistance measuring devices, ohmmeters
Capacitance measuring devices, capacitance meters
LCR meters
Insulation measuring devices, hipot testers
Measuring instruments for electromagnetic fields
Measuring instruments for electrostatic fields
Measuring instruments for magnetic fields
Fault recorders, electric network analyzers...
Fault detectors, fault locators
Miscellaneous sensors
Signal generators, function generators
Arbitrary waveform generators
Pulse generators
Signal generator cards
Spectrum analyzers, signal analyzers
Digital logic analyzers, communications network analyzers,...
Frequency counters
Electrical calibrators
Electronic loads
Cable testers
Relay test sets, circuit breaker test sets
Other electrical measuring instruments
highly flexible test lead with hook clip
The Highly Flexible Test Lead with Hook Clip is manufactured by Multi-contact Stäubli Group,is a kelvin test tweezers it is utilized for extreme fine measuring and test applications on small elements.It is constructed with silicone-isolated ...
electrical safety tester / high-voltage / operational / ground bond
electrical safety tester / high-voltage / continuity / operational
Modern LED lights, too, must be tested for electrical safety and function after production. Because of the completely new technology respective new test techniques are necessary. Solution By using the standard compact tester KT ...
electrical safety tester / high-voltage / continuity / for medical devices
Upon completion of the production of surgical instruments, electrical continuity and integrity of the plastic wrap must be examined. For multi-pole instruments, the insulation between the two electrodes must also be checked. Solution Referring ...
resistance tester / electrical safety / high-voltage / voltage impulse insulation
Following the production of electric motors in the medium power range, the stators are tested for safety and function. A wide range of products, low quantities and highest quality characterise this production. The Product Liability Act ...
electrical safety tester / leakage current / earth-leakage / insulation resistance
The test system for service purposes The first and only safety tester which automatically compares the ”reference values“ with later measurements according to the standards. UNIMET® 810ST allows to define your own test procedures. ...
modular measurement transducer
The measuring transducer RK170 is designed to convert current signals of measuring instrument outputs of ISOMETER®s (0…400 µA) and residual current monitors (RCM, RCMA) into standard current signals 0(4)…20 mA or into voltage signals ...
electrical safety tester / for medical devices / USB / portable
The UNIMET® 300ST is a test system designed for electric beds and other electric equipment. It is made in accordance to the accident prevention regulations. The unit is very convenient to use and features a 4-key operation. It is also ...
electronic magnetic pole finder
The hand-held electronic magnetic pole finder / magnetic pole detector that instantly provides a positive reading of N or S polarity. Simple, push-button operation. Just point and read RED indicates NORTH, GREEN indicates SOUTH. Unlike ...
electrical installation tester / voltage / continuity / phase sequence
MPI-530-IT meter is a multi-functional instrument for electric shock protection measurements including the option of various methods for measuring earthing and earthing resistance. Sonel MPI-530-IT allows testing of residual current devices ...
voltage test device / resistance / current / relay
Multifunctional Primary Testing System The Raptor system consists of a main ‘master’ unit and a number of optional units that enable the execution of virtually any commissioning or routine testing jobs on the primary equipment of medium ...
voltage test device / current / protection relay / circuit breaker
Universal Three-phase Protective Relay Test Set The Mentor 12 is the most advanced three-phase relay test set available for type and field testing of electromechanical and digital protections of any kind, in traditional or IEC-61850 ...
current test device / protection relay / circuit breaker / transformer
AC Current Test Set up to 2.5 kA The LET-400-RD is designed to perform most of the primary tests that are necessary in substations commissioning. Product Description It allows to perform with sufficient power, all the primary ...
voltage test device / current / electric / insulation
AC Current Test Set up to 2.5 kA with Auxiliary DC Source The LET-400-RDC is designed to perform most of the primary tests that are necessary in substations commissioning. It allows to perform with sufficient power, all the primary ...
electrical safety tester / ground bond
SCI 260
Discover a simpler way to test the ground of your product with the All-New SCI 260 Series. We designed our 260 Series Ground Bond testers around the way you test. An improved interface that eliminates confusing menus and redundant ...