for process control
The Video-based D-VTA 200 Thermography System is a modular system for monitoring industrial high temperature processes.
Intelligent sensors allow contactless, optical and thermal online analysis of processes in the combustion chamber.
Detection of the Temperature Distribution in side combustion chambers; analysis of unbalanced combustion processes
Burning analysis and slag monitoring in power plants
Visualization of flame post combustion chambers and flame front monitoring in waste incineration plants
Monitoring ore calcination and hazardous waste disposal in the chemical industry
Annealing and pusher furnace monitoring in the steel industry
Scale formation and melting charge control in the glass industry.
The Thermography Analysis System additionally offers:
Temperature determination of each visible image point of the video sensor
Thermal analysis of the local temperature distribution
Temperature definition within freely definable measuring window and lines (ROI = Region of Interest / LOI = Line Of Interest).
Analysis of thermal samples to identify anomalies in the combustion process