Required tractor data : Power from 170 kW to 240 kW / from 230 to 330 HP - Hicth categorie 3 or 4.
Sturdy structure: Rotor and mixing chamber made of anti abrasion steel Hardox type 400 HB.
18 Creusabro wear plate into the mixing chamber.
Rotor diameter 970mm.
Rotor with 133 tungsten picks Ø 22mm.
Speed of the rotor: 130rpm.
Oversized power of the angle input box: 220 kW - 300 HP.
2 epicyclical gear reducers fitted into the rotor.
Drive by 2 double chains in oil bath in sealed casing.
Large rear door with hydraulic opening (dual acting valve). To level the mixed soil in a better way, the mechanical indicator of the opening level can be seen from the drivers cabin.