General characteristics
Maximum wood diameter 390mm.
Quick and easy adjustment of the cutting length : 20, 25, 33, 40 or 50 cm.
Cutting through circular saw with carbide teeth : Ø 1000mm.
Hydraulic adjustment of the splitting wedge : 0/2/3 or 2/4 or 2/6 or 2/8.
Automatic hydraulic adjustment of the splitting power until 13 Tons.
Hydraulic clamp to hold the woods during the cutting process.
The splitting device is side shifted for a better positioning of the log in the splitting canal.
Discharge conveyor 4 m length with metal bars, composed of several parts for a better maintenance. Width of the parts 250mm.
Height adjusment with winch.
Options :
- Hydraulic unit, flow 41 L/min - tank 40 L
- Intake conveyors with chains, 3 or 5 m long