This is the HD3901 leaf wetness sensor which can detect the presence of condensation on its sensitive surface. It has been specially developed to replicate in an accurate way the thermodynamic behavior of a leaf. The leaf wetness degree is a basic information in the agricultural and floriculture fields which is needed to determine the most appropriate phytosanitary treatment. This helps in the prevention of mold as well as fungal infections in general, which affect the plants when condensation is present. It has a double sensitive surface which enables it to determine the wetness degree; on both on the top as well as on the bottom of the leaf. This is an important feature to get accurate indications, being that the two sides of the leaf have different drying times. For ensuring the long durability and life of the sensor, the surface of the sensor has special treatment which enables it to resist to the atmospheric agents as well as to the chemical agents present in pesticide products. The . . .