2300 °C (4172 °F), 1650 °C (3002 °F), 2315 °C (4199 °F), 1150 °C (2102 °F)
OMEGA® Exotic Thermocouple Probes are customized for purposes of extreme temperatures extending up to 4200°F (2315°C). It employs either Tungsten/Rhenium (G, C, or D types ) or Platinum/Rhodium (R, S, or B types) elements, equipped with various sheath materials and insulations.
These probes may be used in reducing, oxidizing, vacuum or inert conditions. Its maximum temperature is based on the lowest maximum temperature of the sheath material, insulation and the element. Cold end probe termination are made available namely: sub-miniature or standard size ceramic connector, molybdenum-sheathed nylon connector, transition joint with 72-inch lead wire, heavy-duty standard size and replacement probe.