electronic, visual
Precise USB2.0 device combining the functionality of autocollimator and alignment telescope with laser beam profiling capability
The system measures minute angular displacements for various optical setups and alignment tasks, as well as laser beam divergence analysis.
The system offers portable, compact and accurate beam alignment solution. Our precision electronic autocollimator has built in adjustment features, such as leveling bubble, adjustment pan tilt knobs enhancing the unprecedented alignment procedures (between the laser, the optical and mechanical axis of the device).
The application program can be used on any Notebook computer with Windows 7/8 OS (32 & 64 bit). ActiveX software for integration in customer's application program is also available.
Multiple devices control via USB port is possible. Data streaming via TCP/IP communication protocol or RS232 .
A complete system includs a collimator unit with USB2.0 CCD camera, built-in 4xND filters on a sliding ruler, software on CD disk and a retro-reflector for infinity adjustment.