Measured physical value:
for strain-gauge amplifiers
The IEEE 488 strain gauge calibrator is used for simulation of
strain gauge sensors with bridge resistances of 120 W, 350 W or
1000 W. Other bridge resistances or the combination of up to 2
bridges in one housing are available on request. The device is used
wherever strain gauge amplifiers need to be tested or calibrated.
The sensitivity setting is done by parallel connection of resistances
to a shunt arm. For switching of polarity the shunt circuit is reversed.
The feed-forward control by a computer is done via the IEEE 488
interface. For that the address can be configured with a DIP switch
on the back side. Functions like ZERO, sensitivity, and switching of
polarity can be also manually set with keys. LED strips display the
sensitivity in mV/V, other LEDs display polarity setting and selected
bridge resistance.