Other characteristics:
Wireless anemometer and visual display set with wireless communication.
Our wireless wind speed sensor ANEMO4403 RF is robustly made, with high mechanical resistance and considerable flexibility. Powered at 24Vdc, or in the battery-run version ANEMO4403 VHR using a lithium battery (optionally provided), which can run for up to 36 months. Both anemometers have been developed to work with our wind speed visual displays WM44-P RF (96x48mm format for panel) or speed-direction WM44-EVO11 RF (IP65), which has programmable alarms and even analogue outputs in some models, enabling wireless communication.
The Plug & Play system does not require user configuration for communication. To start up the set, both devices just need plugging in.
Communication is by RF 802.15.4 to 2.4GHz, worldwide free-band. The Indoor scope covers 60m and the Outdoor model covers a direct line of up to 750m.