DataRays new WinCAM LCM beam profiling camera offers frame rates of up to 30Hz with high resolution. The camera features an USB 3.0 connection for instant data transferring. The system is designed for versatile applications in the field of R&D or OEM applications.
The cutting edge CMOS detector has a resolution of 2048 x 2048 and a pixel pitch of 5,5 µm. It can be used for every pulse frequency and does not produce any comet-tail effects due to its two dimensional read out. The spectral range of this beam profiling camera ranges from 190nms up to 1350nm and can be extended with the corresponding accessories. The WinCamD LCM is used for measuring pulsed and continuous laser beams in the areas of laser service, research & development, laser adjustment and quality control.
The standard version of the camera comes with 3 ND filter with ODs of 1, 2, and OD4. These filters are mounted with a magnetic system. Filters can be interchanged easily and be stored on the backside of the camera housing.