photon counter / positive displacement / laser / industrial
PicoHarp 300
INO Group

photon, positive displacement
Other characteristics:
Stand-alone TCSPC Module with USB Interface
Two identical synchronized but independent input channels
65536 histogram time bins, minimum width 4 ps
Count rate up to 10 million counts/sec
Multi-stop capability for efficiency at low repetition rates
Adjustable input delay for sync channel with 4 ps resolution
Histogrammer measurement range from 260 ns to 33 µs (depending on resolution)
Multichannel routing capability
Time tagging with sustained count rates up to 5 Mcps
On-line Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS)
External synchronization signals for (fluorescence lifetime) imaging or other control events
Drivers and demo code for custom programming
The PicoHarp 300 is a high-end, easy to use, plug and play Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) system. It is connected to a PC through a USB 2.0 interface.
Independent channels, 4 ps resolution
A special design approach provides identical and synchronized but independent input channels. They can be used as detector inputs for coincidence correlation experiments or as a pair of start and stop inputs for TCSPC. It allows a forward start-stop operation even at full repetition rate of mode locked lasers with stable repetition rate up to 84 MHz. Experiments with low repetition rate benefit from the PicoHarp's multi-stop capability. The design allows high measurement rates up to 10 million counts/sec and provides a highly stable, crystal calibrated time resolution of 4 ps. The instrument's timing resolution is well matched to even the fastest detectors currently available: the SPAD detectors of the PDM series or micro-channel plate Photomultiplier Tubes (MCP).