automatic, reflectance
The saccharoflex 2000 is an electronic relfectance meter by Schmidt+ Haensch that is used for automatic color grading as per the recommendations of ICUMSCA. It follows both the GS2-11 AND GS2-13.This instrument helps in measuring the reflectance factors of 495 nm and 620 nm. It also measures the ratio that is indicative of the color type numbers. Taylors law is used to make the measurements along with an integrated sphere.
A great sample surface has been chosen to lessen the measurement instabilities due to the non homogenity of the used sample. The saccharoflex 2000 requires only 2 standards of brunswick color type mostly of 0-6 to calibrate it. The necessary adjustments can be made over the keyboard itself. It allows measurement for up to 19.99 units. An LCD display is provided with a keyboard of 4 buttons to make it user friendly.It has a serial interface of RS232 that connects with the printer via the computer.