condition monitoring system for machines / vibration / modular / continuous
INO Group
condition for machines, vibration
Other characteristics:
modular, continuous
Online4US is a multi-channel online monitoring solution that combines both ultrasound and vibration sensors in 4 to 32 channel modular configurations. It answers a necessary demand to have advanced warning of critical asset failure in remote areas.
Online4US is designed to provide Reliability teams with continuous feedback about the health of their factory’s most critical assets. It combines data from two of the most relevant asset condition monitoring disciplines (Ut/Vib) to provide advanced insight about potential machine failures.
SDT envisioned a need to permanently monitor the condition of critical assets in inaccessible, dangerous, or remote areas. The versatility of Online4US lends its deployment for identifying early stage machine faults before they become catastrophic events.
Online4US is designed to remotely identify these defects and more:
• Bearing condition monitoring
• Low speed rotating machine defects
• On-condition acoustic lubrication
• Imbalance, misalignment, looseness, coupling and belt wear
• Pump cavitation
• Electrical fault detection (partial discharge, corona, tracking, and arcing)
• Steam trap and valve testing
• Leak detection (both pressure and vacuum)