centering measuring device / optical / infrared / optical lens
OptiCentric® IR
INO Group

Measured value:
optical, infrared
optical lens
OptiCentric® IR is TRIOPTICS solution for the lens centering measurement of infrared optics. The system is equipped with a switchable VIS-MWIR or VIS-LWIR measurement head and can measure all kinds of infrared optics.
To achieve the best accuracy possible for lens alignment and measurement of infrared optics it is key to choose the right wavelength.
The measurement of single lenses and the assembly of lenses in reflection can be done in the visual range. Here 0.1 µm accuracy are achieved.
The measurement of lens systems and the measurement in transmission need to be done in the infrared range.
Key Features
Switchable measurement head from VIS to IR
Lens centering measurement accuracy of approx 1-2 μm due to wavelength and larger pixel size of the IR cameras
Measurement of lens centering, air gaps and center thickness within assembled infrared lens systems (OptiCentric® 3D IR)
Measurement of min. 20 surfaces with a OptiCentric® Dual IR system with two measurement heads
Measurement in reflexion und transmission
Software is optimized for the measurement of IR optics:
High ease of use: Infrared systems are not different in use compared to the VIS systems
Compensates automatically for the thermal background before taking a measurement
IR Upgrade for existing OptiCentric® Systems is available
Due to the laser light source a pinhole target instead of cross is required:
High resolution with micrometer range pinhole
Clear spot with high contrast
Spot is well monitored by software (cycle)