pulsed laser / continuous wave / fiber / custom wavelength
HighLight FL-Series
INO Group

Operational mode:
pulsed, continuous wave
Technology :
custom wavelength
Other characteristics:
compact, OEM, water-cooled, modulated
industrial, cutting, for welding
Min.: 2 kW (2.68 hp)
Max.: 3 kW (4.02 hp)
The output beam of this 1 kW fiber laser is optimized for laser cutting and welding applications. The unit is packaged in a compact OEM housing thereby minimizing the horizontal footprint. The sidewalls are removable to allow easy service access. The laser can be modulated up to 5kHz with an external trigger signal for pulsed mode operation. An external analog signal can be used to set the output power and to ramp the laser power in a controlled manner to avoid artifacts such as the sharp corner of a cut or the beginning/end of a weld.
The highlight 1000FL is an OEM product designed to be integrated into a customer system. The DC power supply is included and embedded in the case for ease of integration. The laser can be controlled via computer communications interface and digital/analog interfaces. The beam is delivered via a delivery (transport) fiber with a diameter of either 50 µm (BPP < 2.5 mm mrad) or 100 µm (BPP < 5 mm mrad), with industry standard QBH connectors on both ends.