Other characteristics:
Maximum temperature:
700 °C (1292 °F)
The hotflex® is worldwide the first tubular heater which can be manually bent in all three dimensions. Easiest handling, simple assembly, optimal thermal features and the simple storage (the hotflex® is supplied in straight condition with numerous lengths from stock) are outstanding product arguments.
Towards the traditional heating (e. g. with hotrod® cartridge heaters type HHP) the three dimensional bending of the hotflex® makes high flexibility possible for engineers.
With applications such as outline heating a better heat transition, considerable savings of the tool mass, replacements as well as lower energy consumption can be achieved.
And thus also in round (Ø 6,5 mm and 8,5 mm) as well as in square shape (6 x 6 mm and 8 x 8 mm).