Project of Quality in Drugs Cold Chain
Kw by means of its know how and experience acquired in over 50 activity years for health, biomedical research and above all pharmaceutical industry, has realized a new project for cold chain for drugs and products for distribution pharmacies.
• Conservation near the wholesalers / distributors with cold rooms and refrigerators of big capacities, with even glass doors.
• Transport in quality, with versatile solutions and with low cost and void environmental impact: portable fridges from 7 to 1000 liters with temperatures from -30°c to +10°c.
• Conservation near distribution pharmacies with fridge with one and/or two temperatures, and with vertical freezers -20°c with glass doors.
• Service of supplying and assistance for systems of survey and management of the temperatures by criterions of tracking and repeatibility, proper on the management in quality.
Near the wholesalers distributors, KW can install:
• Refrigerators of klab series with volumes from 700 liters until 5000 liters (some of them even prefabricated), or walk in cold room with t range from -20°c to +10°c, with controllers equipped by t alarms, open door alarms, energy-wasting alarms, probe failures alarms, and functions of maximum safety for stocked products (as you can see in new ice age control) such as disaster recovery; possibility of installing two independent refrigerating units for max safety of pharmaceutical product.