fire tube
Other characteristics:
The IF steam generator is a semi-fixed model with totally wet bottom and pressurized combustion by â??flame reversalâ?. The furnace is built with localized hotformed waves without transversal welding. In the generator, the temperature is reduced to 900°C at the entrance to the fire flues, to reduce the thermal fatigue of the materials. The generator is equipped, in the standard version, with a preheater for the comburent air incorporated in the front fire box. Operation is fully automatic and is controlled directly on the panel installed on the generator. The IF generator is distinguished by a low thermal load by volume and a high water content. The tube plates are hot-edged so as to eliminate the mechanical tension typical of other construction forms.
The fire tubes are complete with turbolators to improve the heat exchange and performance The insulating shell consists pads of rock wool finished on the outside with thin sheets of stainless steel. The generator is supplied with the CE control certificate for a single product (assembly) pursuant to directive 97/23/CE (PED).