Produces pure P2 species (P2/P4 > 150)
Fast, stable and reproducible flux control
Large crucible capacity of 420 cm³
Safe cell loading and operation
Reliable large cross section cone valve
No hot cracker zone
Injector length and flux distribution adjustable
The Valved GaP Compound Source VGCS is a high purity P2-source, based on the decomposition of high purity GaP. The concept is derived from the DECO effusion cell. A mechanical valve mechanism has been added for rapid beam flux control.
Full MBE compatibility is achieved by the integrated Gallium-Trapping-System, the integrated water cooling as well as the use of high purity inert materials such as pyrolytic boron nitride for all parts in the direct phosphorus path.
In contrast to sources using elemental phosphorus only minor amounts of white phosphorus are formed within the cell and the formation of white phosphorus within the MBE chamber is significantly reduced due to the direct formation of P2 species from the decomposition of single crystal GaP chunks with purity 6N-7N.
Operation of the mechanical valve unit shows fast, stable and reproducible flux control. Together with the valve controller an easy handling and integration to your MBE system is provided.