for the electronics industry
Small, yet smart and powerful downstream plasma cleaners
EM-KLEEN remote plasma cleaner can be used to clean samples and chambers for electron microscopes and other type analytical instruments, such SEM, FIB, TEM, XPS and SIMS. It consists of a resistive LCD touchscreen controller with embedded microcomputer and a remote plasma source. Remote plasma source should be installed on the vacuum chamber to be cleaned. Standard vacuum interface port is NW/KF40 flange. Adapters for different SEM port are available. CF2.75" flange options is also available.
Despite its small size, EM-KLEEN remote plasma source has integrated a pirani pressure sensor, an automatic gas flow controller, a plasma strength sensor, a temperature sensor and a cooling fan. It can easily be pumped down to low 10-7 Torr vacuum. Flow controller automatically adjust gas flow rate to maintain user specified pressure inside the plasma cleaner chamber. Miniature pressure sensor constantly monitors the sample chamber pressure. It can be used as a safety interlock trigger in safe operation mode and to count sample loading events for SmartSchedule™ feature. Cooling fan enables high-power high-speed cleaning without causing source overheat. Temperature sensor provides another interlock protection against source overheat during prolonged cleaning at high power. Plasma strength sensor measures the plasma strength in realtime, users are not blind to plasma status anymore.