Sprayed material:
mono-component paint
Other characteristics:
WIWA paint spraying equipment for industry and craft trade provides excellent value for money. PHOENIX is the new powerful multi-purpose equipment for wood varnishing and metal painting. It is also useful for other types of coating in industry and craft trade. It is very useful for timber and metal processing industry. Painters, spray painting shops and craft trade operations can also be benefitted. It is suitable for large and small areas and elements with corners and angles . It also reaches out to all components of any shape. This is possible due to the difference in performance data and the vast variety of equipment. The new WIWA PHOENIX is a versatile. It has high quality pump range to suit almost all possible applications. While the new WIWA generation is suitable for various spray painting and coating, WIWA PHOENIX Airless Robust Airless spray is useful for efficient spray painting of painting equipment. The WIWA PHOENIX Air Combi is recommended for finest spray painting results using the environmentally friendly Air Combi spray painting method.