optical crystal / Nd-doped potassium-gadolinium tungstate Nd KGW / laser
INO Group

Technical characteristics:
Crystal type:
Nd-doped potassium-gadolinium tungstate Nd KGW
OJSC «Plant «Optic» is the leading manufacturer of potassium gadolinium tungstate monocrystals activated by neodymium α-KGd(WO4)2 — Nd3+ and active elements from it which are used for the generation of laser emission at low pumping energies (0.5-1 J). Monocrystals of our manufacture are characterized by high optical quality, high radiation resistance, low lasing threshold, high efficiency.
We manufacture active elements of diameter 3-10 mm, length up to 80 mm according to customer’s drawings. The order is realized as soon as possible and in required quantity.
We have possibility to grow crystals KGW with other activators.