Tiles used for lining components with even surfaces (containers, bunkers, deflector plates, throat hoppers, chutes and flutes). They are produced in the standard dimensions of 150x100 mm² and 100x100 mm². The thicknesses are graded with 6, 13, 25 and 50 mm.
Mosaic ceramics used for lining components with predominantly round and tubular surfaces. Individual plates (standard 10x10 mm² 20x20 mm²) are sticked onto acetate silk or on a special foil (standard 500x500 mm²). Even hexagons SW20 or SW32 are available. The thickness varies from 1.5 to 12 mm. Examples for application are: blenders, agitators, grinding technology, narrow pipelines, pipe bends, flutes for ash discharge etc.
For special applications mosaics and plates may be vulcanized into rubber or casted in PU.
Special dimensions are available upon request.