single-point lubricator / electromechanical / battery-powered / automatic
TLMR 101, TLMR 201
INO Group

electromechanical, battery-powered
Other characteristics:
250 cm³ (8.45 fl us oz), 120 cm³ (4.06 fl us oz), 60 cm³ (2.03 fl us oz)
6 bar (87.02 psi)
perma STAR VARIO operates fully automatic, temperature independent and very precise.
The system consists of an electromechanical drive unit, a lubrication cartridge (LC) with
a lubricant volume of 60, 120 or 250 cm³ and a battery pack. The desired discharge period
and LC size can easily be selected with the push button and are immediately visible in the
display. The current operating status is indicated on the display and with the all around
LED signal lights (red/green), which are visible from a distance.