Carbon felt consists 70% of a pre-oxidized polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fibre and 30% of a black polyester fibre obtained by means of needle punching.
Carbon felt does not contain ceramic fibres or asbestos.
To combat the dangers of high temperature environments, the Carbon felt has been used to create a new light, soft material for a fire-safe blanket.
It can resist direct flames with a peak temperature of up to 800°C.
Suitable for applications with free flames and sparks and inflammable materials.
Carbon felt is available in rolls or as covers.
Welding blankets and screens
Furnace heat zone separators
Thermal wrappings
Acoustical insilations
Equipement protection
Fornace door insulation
Fuel line insulation
Pipe wrapping
Steam line insulation
Flange protection in glass industry
Heat containment curtains
Hydraulic line protection
Wire and cable protection
High temperature air duct insulation
Fire proof barriers for hazardous liquids
Wicks for small heaters
Tool protection in high heat ovens
Thermal insulation for exhaust manifolds
Roll covers in annealing furnaces