Fabric type:
carbon fiber
Other characteristics:
Tenax TPUD is a unidirectional thermoplastic tape and it combines two high tech materials. It is made out of carbon fiber that is tailored for thermoplastic application and a high temperature polymer. This tape is available in various sizes (width from 6.35 mm and 304.80 mm) and it can be used both in manual and machine application and it doesn’t require any de-bulking. After that it can be pressed in a semi-continuous or static press or in a airtight oven. The filament process can be used in manufacturing tubular parts as well.
Tenax TPUD has great performing mechanical features, it provides the use on increased temperatures, it has low flammability, toxicity and smoke, it is very resistant to solvents and chemicals, it can be stockpiled and transported at room temperature, it’s recyclable, and it meets numerous health, environment and safety standards.
It provides a very short cycle time, allows out of autoclave consolidation, it is thermo-formable this allowing automated process. Finally, it is applicable in thermoplastic joining technologies.