INO Group
Industrial machines and equipment
Mixing and Dosing
Automatic dispensers (powders, granulates)
Automatic dispensers (powders, granulates)
Mixing and Dosing
Screw mixers
Paddle mixers, ribbon mixers
Planetary mixers
Tumble mixers
High-shear mixers, dispersers
Other mixers
Static mixers, structured packing, random packing
Tank agitators
Mixer impellers
Ultrasonic homogenizers, high-pressure homogenizers...
Mixer-dispensers (powders, granulates)
Mixer-dispensers (liquids)
Mixer-dispensers (resins)
Mixing heads
Gas mixers, gas dispensers
Automatic dispensers (liquids, resins)
Automatic dispensers (powders, granulates)
Manual dispensers
Dispensing valves, metering valves
Dispensing pumps
Dispensing consumables
Dispensing accessories
powder batch blender / volumetric
max. 25 kg/h | KK
The small KK mixer is a pre-mixer for powder dosing and for very accurate processing of masterbatch and/or ground material. The mixer fits on all small machines.
powder batch blender / volumetric / with belt conveyor / automatic
max. 70 kg/h | G
The G mixer is a pre-mixer for medium-sized machine throughputs, for use on or next to the injection moulding machine Up to four different components can be processed. Combined with KOCH conveyors, a system can operate fully automatically.
powder batch blender / volumetric / high-precision
max. 60 kg/h | G x
The G x pre-mixers are optimised for use on extruders and blow moulding machines. Dosing is batchwise. If the material level falls below a certain point, all the stations accurately dose a set quantity into the mixer. It is irrelevant ...
weight dosing unit / vacuum
The vacuum force helps dosing flimsy liquids and to avert overabundance dribbling. This gimmick is incorporated too - with a fine-conformity choice. Everything you need is compacted air at a weight of approx. 4 bar. The timing for the ...
granulates batch blender / volumetric
The Minicolor V is manufactured by Motan Colortonic, and is attached along the machine hopper and the feed throat of the plastics processing machine that requires a very small area. It has a 1 or 2 dosing head, and has a total throughput ...
granulates batch blender / gravimetric / volumetric
The demand for an excellent mixing quality and consistently accurate dosing is a must when combining additives with the virgin material at the processing machine. Disc dosing is ideal for translucent and opaque parts as well as for dosing ...
granulates batch blender / volumetric / screw
Generally utilized as a central mixing station, this Motan-Colortronic-engineered apparatus is capable of dosing and mixing up to four materials in their granulated form. This unit features the Motan-patented Gravity Principle, which ...
granulates dosing dispenser / powder / gravimetric / volumetric
C-FLEX M volumetric is very flexible dosing unit fitted with walled hopper. It has a strong construction and user-friendly design. C-FLEX is mainly used for applications requiring both continuous and batching processes, mainly dosing ...
powder dosing dispenser / piston
PTS Feeder
The PTS-Feeder* provides a single step solution for emptying process equipment and filling with accuracy bags, drums and big bags. The system operates on the same principle as the PTS Powder Transfer System, but without pressure, ...
granulates dosing unit / powder / piston / weight
Dec Group - DosiValve is a simple and cost effective solution for the dosing of powders and granules. t uses unique PTS – Powder Transfer System for longer distances in a safe and contained manner. It accommodates a hygienic design and ...
powder micro-dispenser / volumetric / piston
Micro PTS
DecTechnology presents MicroPTS for volumetric dosing of small powder quantities. It provides dosing in the range of 1mg to 100g. Dosage can be adjusted during the process. Using vacuum action, the product is filled in a calibrated chamber ...
powder dispensing system / weight / manual / automated
Dispensing Systems
Dec’s Dispensing Systems cover a wide range of requirements, from a simple single chamber to multi-purpose dispensing and pack off systems for sterile toxic production. These accurate, safe systems handle multiple input packs, from ...
weight loss-in-weight feeder
Output to 450 kg/hr 1. The Strong Points of Gravimetric Control System (1 ) Shorten start-up time (2) Saving raw materials (3) Stabilize production process, improve product quality (4) Reduce the ability and requirements for workers 2. The ...
gravimetric loss-in-weight feeder / for masterbatch / screw / high-precision
Loss-in-weight feeder Application Field Plastic films/Cables/pipes/production of materials/plastics modification and other industrials such as Chemicals. System Principle Based on weight-loss principle, the feeding screw pushes the raw ...
granulates batch blender / screw / automatic
vertical mixer MV
VERTICAL MIXER MV, 400V 10%/3/50-60Hz Internal screw pipe Double transparent lid, easy to be opened Arranged with suction probe Adjustable electrical panel Completely built in carbon steel. External painting. Supported by ...