INO Group
Robotics - Automation - Industrial IT
IT: Software
CAM software
CAM software
IT: Software
CAD software
CAD/CAM software
CAM software
CAD visualization software, conversion software
Nesting software, cutting software
Nesting software, cutting software
Electrical calculation and CAD software
Electronic design automation software
AEC software (Architecture, Engineering & Construction)
AEC software (Architecture, Engineering & Construction)
Calculation, simulation, modeling software
Metrology and measurement software
Monitoring and automation software
OPC software, OPC servers, OPC clients
ERP, CAPM software, supply chain
Warehouse and stock management software
Project management and decision support software
EDM, ETDM software
CMMS and safety software
Quality management and statistical software
Time and presence management software
Geographical information systems
Image processing software
Other software
CAM software / for milling / 2D
Polar & Cylindrical Milling
Polar & Cylindrical Milling drives one rotary and two linear axes to achieve 3-axis toolpath. It extends GibbsCAM’s standard 3-axis milling functions for use on machines with a rotary axis to enable wrapped geometry, cylindrical and polar ...
CAM software / process / machining / 3D
Radial Milling
GibbsCAM Radial Milling drives one rotary and three linear axes to achieve 4-axis toolpath. It provides a roughing and a finishing mill process for off-centerline “Y-axis” rotary machining, allowing control of wall angles and tool engagement. ...
CAM software / 5-axis machining
The GibbsCAM 5-Axis Option supports simultaneous 4- and 5-axis machining with various tool types. In combination with GibbsCAM MTM, it also supports sophisticated multi-task machines with live tooling on articulated heads. It includes ...
programming software / CAM / machining
5-Axis Porting
5-Axis Porting is an addition to GibbsCAM 5-Axis Milling, optimized to simplify machining ports, manifolds, throttle bodies and any tubular openings that change shape and curvature from end to end. The specialized interface is condensed ...
CAM software / programming / 5-axis machining
5-Axis MultiBlade
5-Axis MultiBlade is an addition to GibbsCAM 5-Axis Milling, optimized for programming machining centers and multi-tasking machines (MTMs) to make turbomachinery parts. It simplifies machining blisks, blings and impellers – parts with ...
CAM software / machine
Matrix CAM 2
Machine programs can be made and then checked for machine interference in the office using the Matrix CAM 2
CAM software / 3D
Matrix CAM 2
CAM software designed for modelling and scale model. Milling of 3D model, in 3 or 4 axes, with clipping and reversal. It includes a group of milling functionalities evolved for an optimal monitoring of the tools path
tool data and graphics generation software
The Wintool , manufactured by D'Andrea, is a graphic generator that is utilized to quickly compose comprehensive tools with MODULHARDANDREA components. It is capable of indicating the dimensions, weight and the list of parts.
post-processing software / modeling / multibody simulation
Adams Flex
Adams Flex allows importing finite element models from most major FEA software packages and is fully integrated with Adams package, providing access to convenient modeling and powerful post-processing capabilities. Replacing some key ...
software / vibration analysis / post-processing
Actran VI
Actran VI is the new graphical user interface specifically designed for pre- and post-processing vibro- and aero-acoustic analyses of all Actran modules. Including an Actran input file reader to check or modify input files generated ...
post-processing software / FEM
Patran is the world's most widely used pre/post-processing software for Finite Element Analysis (FEA), providing solid modeling, meshing, analysis setup and post-processing for multiple solvers including MSC Nastran, Marc, Abaqus, LS-DYNA, ...
simulation software / post-processing / engineering / for educational establishments
ANSYS Student
ANSYS Student is an introductory software package for engineering students who are interested in learning the fundamentals of simulation while gaining exposure to our state-of-the-art ANSYS Workbench simulation workflow, pre-processing, ...
CAM software / machining / for machine tools / for the automotive industry
CAD software / CAM / for CNC machines / for lathes and turning/milling
CAM software / CAD / for the clothing industry
AccuMark Pattern Design, Grading, Marker Making
The AccuMark Pattern Design Software by Gerber Technology is specifically designed to provide a good quality performance mainly in the fashion industry. The pattern design software has been the reliable system for fashion designers which ...